Our Services
Crystal Plumbing offers one-stop and top-notch plumbing services in Singapore island wide. Our services including detect plumbing leakage, clear chokes, plumbing replacement and plumbing installation.
Engage our licensed plumbers for any plumbing repair rather than attempting to fix a plumbing problem yourself.
If you wait too long to address these problems , the damage to your home could be severe.
Send us a message or give us a call for transparent and non-obligation quotation at 9234 2672 .

Water Leakage Detection and Repair
Our trusted and licensed plumbers have the expertise to detect and fix a leak.
- Burst pipe
- Concealed pipe leak
- Stainless steel pipe leak
- Copper pipe leak
- PPR pipe leak
- PVC pipe leak
- Drainage pipe leak
- Sink pipe leak
- Shower pipe leak
- Toilet flush system leakage
- Water leakage detection
- Water pressure test

Clear Chokes / Clogs Repair
Spending a lot of monies and time on chemical product to unclog your drain. We have the
specialists in drain cleaning. Regardless of minor to severe, our plumbers
have the skills to clean and unclog the choke.
- Drainage pipe choke
- Drain pipe choke
- Water pipe choke
- Concealed pipe choke
- Floor trap choke
- Kitchen sink choke
- Wash basin choke
- Toilet bowl choke
- Toilet sink choke
- Urinal bowl choke
- Bath tube choke

Replacement and Installation
We have the expertise to handle installation and replacement of sanitary and plumbing fixtures for residential and commercial needs.
- Water Heater Installation
- Toilet Bowl Installation
- Toilet Flush System Installation
- Water Tap / Faucet Installation
- Shower System Installation
- Re-Piping Services